Seeing Swaziland by Road

Swaziland is one of those countries that most people have never heard of. It sounds like “Switzerland”, and strangely enough, there are some similarities because both countries are full of rolling hills.
Why should you visit Swaziland? There are many reasons why you should definitely check out this country while doing a South African road trip.
First of all, Swaziland is very safe, much safer than South Africa, making security the least of your concerns. The country is also full of amazing landscapes. Often times I find myself distracted from lay driving simply because I am staring at the mountains and hills in awe.
The country is also an English speaking country making it easy to communicate with the locals.
Before entering Swaziland, here are 4 tips that are guaranteed to make your trip smoother.

Get a car

Don’t think of using the public transport as you definitely not going to find one. Buy a car, if you are staying for an extended period. There are car dealers like Autoworld International who can get you 
Japanese used cars for Swaziland. Locals prefer Japanese used cars too. Also, please look out for a higher vehicle like SUV or a truck which has ground clearance. If not, you will be driving at 10 mph on the dirt tracks.

Get a permit

If you are travelling to countries like South Africa (nearest country to Swaziland, just 440 kilometres to Johannesburg) please be sure to get a permit while you cross border.

Bring South African Rand

Make yourself a favor and have as much as South African Rand. South African Rand for South African continent is a like US dollar for North America. They accept Rand everywhere and you can easily buy food and snacks with this. Don’t expect the cards to be accepted here.

Avoid travelling at night

The highways are vacant at night for miles and carjacking and violent crimes are high during this time. Always travel during the day.

Pack plenty of food and water

This is true for any trip, you might not get a food joint or find drinkable water sources for miles. To stay healthy and be hunger free, always have enough food and water left in the backseat.

Carry useful tools 

Carry a Swiss knife, torchlight, matchstick, extra clothes etc. You never know this might save your day, when you car breaks in middle of nowhere!

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