Buying Cars in Paraguay

If you are planning to buy a used car in Paraguay, the short advice is don’t. At least don’t buy anything used in Paraguay. Spending years in South America has thought me not to trust anyone when it comes to cars. 

The best and economical way of buying used cars here is by importing used cars from Japan to Paraguay. The Japanese cars are 100% better in terms of mileage, quality, condition, performance and way cheaper compared to the ones you find in Paraguay. There are several Japanese car exporters like Autoworld International who can get the car shipped to your nearest port. They take care of everything and charge a small amount for their service. They also have 1000+ car stocks you can choose from.

Here is why you should avoid used cars in Paraguay. There are cars that were sold here originally which they have a part from every manufacturer known to man. Don’t be surprised to buy a Chevy with Toyota motor in it, Mitsubishi alternator, ford seats, and Nissan bumpers.

People don’t care about their cars here; they just want them to work, no matter what, and as cheaply as possible. Cutting corners is the attitude here. When things go wrong and it need to be fixed properly (properly means actually spending money), they put a Band-Aid on it and they put it up for sale. 90% of used cars in Paraguay are in bad condition.
Mechanics here are not good, they are not knowledgeable. They mostly fix everything by glue and hammer. I can’t tell you of the horrors I’ve seen in this country.

The mechanics and people try to make money by selling you a car that just runs. They are just concerned with the running of car. Not how long it can run nor about the condition of the car. And don’t even think about taking a mechanic with you to checkout your car unless you know the mechanic very closely or know the mechanic is renowned.
The bottom line is, either you buy a brand new car here or import one from Japan. The shipping fees are worth it. Even you buy a $1000 car in Japan sight unseen, I promise you it will be in a better shape than a used car here.

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